Home Law How to Keep a Parent Safe While in a Nursing Home

How to Keep a Parent Safe While in a Nursing Home

by Danny white

It may become more difficult for parents to care for themselves as they age. Although you might want to take care of your father or mother, it may not always be practical. It may be necessary for your elderly loved one to be placed in a Florida nursing home.

What Can You Do to Ensure Your Parent’s Safety?

You would prefer not to have to worry about your parent’s safety in a facility that is staffed by professionals. Nursing home abuse is quite common. You can help your loved ones stay safe by visiting them regularly. You can reduce the chance that the facility will conceal evidence or take other steps to hide their misdeeds before your arrival.

You should also be alert for signs of physical abuse, such as bruises, scars, and sores. Your parent may seem withdrawn as a result of emotional abuse or other elder law violations. No matter what your parent’s mental health is, you must take any abuse allegations they take seriously.

Get On It as Soon as You Can

You should immediately get your parent to safety if you believe they are in danger. Your parent may have to stay with you for a few weeks or days. It may be possible to transfer your parent to another facility or arrange for someone to care for them.

It may be possible for a loved one to receive compensation if they have been the victim of elder abuse. A nursing facility might also decide to fire workers involved in illegal activities. This could help prevent abuse from occurring again.

This post was written by Okoye Morgan Jr., a lawyer with extensive knowledge as a personal injury lawyer in Tampa, FL. Okoye is one of the founding partners of https://www.theblacklawcompany.com/, specializing in personal injury law, trust and estate law, civil litigation law, and criminal defense. 


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