When you cannot pay your bills and your aggressive creditors keep harassing you, it’s time to consult a lawyer. It’s crucial to make the right choice when picking a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 attorney. You should also keep several things in mind before you take help from a bankruptcy attorney.
Make sure you perform your due diligence before hiring an attorney instead of selecting the first lawyer you come across. The following are many factors to consider when looking for a bankruptcy lawyer.
Filing For Bankruptcy
A licensed attorney can represent you, but it is advisable to consult with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer first. A bankruptcy lawyer should have a significant bankruptcy practice and handle many bankruptcy cases.
Also, find out what types of cases a bankruptcy lawyer handles. If you plan on filing Chapter 7, 11, or 13, you should hire an attorney who is familiar with that chapter.
Services At A Fair Price
You may decide to hire a lawyer based on the fee they charge. Having a limited budget can make paying for a lawyer’s services difficult. A bankruptcy lawyer can provide comprehensive services at an affordable rate. Choosing an attorney shouldn’t be based solely on cost, since you don’t want to be kept waiting or cheated.
Those who specialize in bankruptcy generally charge flat fees that cover a variety of services. It is necessary to know what is covered (and what isn’t). The retainer agreement must clearly show this.
You Get What You Need.
Even if the experience is helpful, you should be careful not to work with a “bankruptcy mill”. These firms churn out hundreds of cases annually without thoroughly examining or concentrating on each client’s case. Are attorneys helpful if they never speak to you? Check the reputation of a firm before hiring it.
Local Practice
Each district court has its procedures and rules based on the jurisdiction of its local courts. If you plan to file your case in a particular court, you should consult with a familiar lawyer with its rules and trustees. The lawyer should also have experience practicing in that court.
The Attorney’s Comfort Level
You should feel at ease with your attorney during your initial consultation. Picking an attorney you don’t feel comfortable with or who doesn’t care about your case may not be right. Work with someone you can easily communicate with and who you trust. Declaring bankruptcy is an emotional process, so finding an attorney you feel comfortable with is essential.
This is particularly true when you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which can last three and five years. Even a highly experienced lawyer will not take your case if you don’t feel comfortable during the first meeting.
When you are in a dire financial situation, the only choice is bankruptcy. However, you should consult with a bankruptcy professional since bankruptcy involves complicated legal procedures.