Home Law Top of the Line Corporate Law Firms in Israel

Top of the Line Corporate Law Firms in Israel

by Paul Petersen

Description: In the modern era of the young State of Israel, you can’t budge without a top corporate law firm, for drawing up contracts or advice before signing them. Israel of today both educates and encourages entrepreneurship more than ever.

  • Long Ago and Not So Far Away

Years ago, if Israelis had businesses in Israel, they were functional and practical. Mostly men worked and sometimes their wives helped them. Businesses were storefronts that sold basic necessities and maybe a few toys and games. You could buy certain books and school supplies at the local grocery store, along with food, of course.

Most were not highly educated and others were self-employed, driving taxis. Many times, children joined their fathers in the businesses and nobody really paid attention to contracts or thought about any kind of litigation.

  • The Modern Era

In the modern era of the young State of Israel, you can’t budge without a top corporate law firm, for drawing up contracts or advice before signing them. Israel of today both educates and encourages entrepreneurship more than ever. There are institutions of higher learning that specialize in this.

  • To wit, the uberprestigious Zell Entrepreneurship Program of the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, to name but one. After a rigorous recruitment process, the Program grooms only the best to join them and learn top business and financial skills.

    Be that as it may, no one can go into business without the sound financial and legal advice of no less than one of the top corporate law firms in Israel. Why do these upstarting biz whizzes need such high quality legal advisors, you ask? Well, it is exactly because they are so well educated that they know about the many foibles they might make when it is their own investment and business that could be at risk. Not hiring a lawyer like David Page could end up costing more than any legal fees and bring all thriving business to a complete halt. Nobody wants to see his or her dream sink and NOT hiring a lawyer would mean being your own lawyer, so you would have a fool for a lawyer and a fool for a client, to quote an old colloquial expression.
  • Dot the I’s and Cross the T’s

This can never be said enough. Templates abound on the Internet. Do not be tempted to draft your own contracts, no matter how appealing it might seem to just fill in some blanks, like any other form and forge an agreement.

  • Some Tips Before Going to Contract:

  1. Get only the top corporate law firms in Israel on your short list.
  2. Spare no expense in hiring the very best that money can buy.
  3. Lawyers draw up those templates and “standard” contracts with plenty of ambiguity. Those ambiguous, nebulous, obscure, legal terms are there on purpose, for the other party to mistakenly overlook, after which he or she will need a battery of lawyers to undo that mess and often at great loss.
  4. Have any contract read and reread.
  5. Any document must be clearly understood, under no uncertain terms, before signing.
  • Which Witch?

If you’re not sure which legal wiz to hire, take your time to ask questions and feel confident before moving forward. David Page law offices is one of the top corporate law firms in Israel, with licensure in both, the USA and Israel, where you can easily understand all that pertains to your best interests.