Home Law Top Reasons To Hire A Burn Injury Lawyer 

Top Reasons To Hire A Burn Injury Lawyer 

by Paul Watson

Injuries and damages can take up a lot of time and resources from an individual. Depending on the severity of the injury, the victim can likely face a loss of income and require more time to recover than usual. Such is the case with burn injuries. 

Different types of burn injuries can cause a lot of pain and suffering. The reason behind the occurrence of the burn injury can vary in various aspects. However, it will be in the victim’s best interest to hire a lawyer from the Law Office of James T. Ponton, LLC

You should know how a lawyer can help you if you encounter a burn injury due to someone else’s fault. 

Reasons to hire a burn injury lawyer:

  • Insurance companies

The Insurance Company might not have the victim’s best interests at heart. Even if there are several laws about how an insurance company must operate, one cannot control the motive. Most insurance companies focus on their best interests.

The insurance company may try to diminish the victim’s claim or compensation by stating multiple reasons. These reasons can range from paperwork, evidence procedure deadline to report the accident, etc. However, an attorney can help the victim to seek compensation from the insurance company.

  • Compliance 

The burn injury victim must comply with a set of rules when filing for a personal injury claim. There are designated laws and procedures that must take place when a victim files for a claim. Most victims do not know how they should comply with various rules and regulations. A burn injury lawyer can help a victim to comply with each law and rule. 

  • Statute of limitations

The statute of limitations decides the maximum amount of time from the occurrence of the accident to the time the victim can begin the legal process for claim or compensation. Failing to follow the statute of limitations and deadlines associated with it can prevent the victim’s ability to recover from their injuries and damages. 

Knowledgeable and experienced attorneys will know the deadlines and ensure that the victim follows them. In a nutshell, the attorney can keep the victim from missing out on the opportunity to see compensation for the injuries. 

  • Value of the damages

Several victims do not realize that their claims entail significantly more than reimbursement for immediate medical expenses. Per state laws, victims can seek compensation for intangible damages if they have been injured due to another person’s negligence. A lawyer can help the victim to obtain payment for injuries such as pain, suffering, loss of consortium, etc.